27-04-2017, 08:57 PM
Some very good advice already given and agree that the MoHo option is available but with the already mentioned caveats. The move to MH is not for everyone and if driving is an issue that might rule it out, and as has already been said you cannot achieve the same amount of space without getting a huge setup. The cost is another consideration. The seasonal pitch does appear to be very appealing and moving it from year to year sounds good
TF you and your family are the only ones who can make the final decision and hopefully some of the above advice can assist. We swopped from caravan to MH a year last September and for us it was the right decision at the right time and if you have any questions I would be happy to share our experience and reasons behind the move,
TF you and your family are the only ones who can make the final decision and hopefully some of the above advice can assist. We swopped from caravan to MH a year last September and for us it was the right decision at the right time and if you have any questions I would be happy to share our experience and reasons behind the move,
Living with Parkinson’s and exercising the brain and body to hold it at bay. Static at Flambrough
Living with Parkinson’s and exercising the brain and body to hold it at bay. Static at Flambrough