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I was adding comments within "never throw something away" and was wondering if members have ever heard of "Freecycle" I believe it was started in the USA, most things do... good and bad! There website is set up in regions like Winchester, Southampton, Andover etc., where you can post things you either would like to dispose of, or you would like to have. It's all free, no money changes hands. If you have never used it, it's worth checking it out, if you have what are the sort of things you have given away or received via Freecycle?

Example. I picked up a 10 year old Hoover tumble dryer, in excellent condition and had used if for over a year. Then discovered it had been on recall by the manufacturers. Hoover offered me a brand new machine for £99, without showing any proof of purchase! Good deal.

On top of this I've given away, soil, wood, building materials, old furniture, old carpet for covering allotments and been given bricks, iron gates, compost, horse poo, garden lighting and a huge box of Meccano, the list is endless......

I've seen a caravan on the site being offered for free!
I used Freecycle to get rid of a TV, it was a good runner but bulky, went in about 24hrs. I would use again to get rid of stuff
Yes, I have used Freecycle to dispose of working, but unwanted items. It is a good idea, I hate to throw away working or servicable stuff.

BUT, the problem I find is, people are so unreliable, and inconsiderate. Although they are getting something for nothing, they do not turn up at the agreed time and/or if the item is bulky, they expect free delivery as well!

I still use Freecycle, but my practice now is: If item is small, place it in our recycling bin, tell prospective "freecyclers" to collect it, if it has not gone by bin collection day, then tough, it is gone.

Large items, I am still working on a strategy!
(06-02-2017, 09:57 AM)KenAndKathleen Wrote: [ -> ]Yes, I have used Freecycle to dispose of working, but unwanted items. It is a good idea, I hate to throw away working or servicable stuff.

BUT, the problem I find is, people are so unreliable, and inconsiderate. Although they are getting something for nothing, they do not turn up at the agreed time and/or if the item is bulky, they expect free delivery as well!

I still use Freecycle, but my practice now is: If item is small, place it in our recycling bin, tell prospective "freecyclers" to collect it, if it has not gone by bin collection day, then tough, it is gone.

Large items, I am still working on a strategy!

There is that issue around here. No showers as they are known. When I post an offer I always stats collection only, ask for them to state when they can collect with their reply. Then at first you know where you stand, if they do not tell you, ignore them.